Monday, October 21, 2013


Please, help me become a better person.
Please don't abandon me.
Please don't leave without any explanation.
Please, stay with me, help me correct my wrongs, teach me how to do things right, please.

Please show me why I did NOT get 100%, instead of why I DID get 93%.
Please teach me how I can do better.
Please stay by me when life gets tough, not simply when life is perfect.

Please stop trying to push me around.
Please don't cut off support if I do or do not do something.
Please just be my friend.
Please be a listening ear, be a shoulder to cry on, because you know that I'll always be that for you.

Please help me stand when I am weak.
Please let me help you when I'm feeling strong.
Please, teach me what I can work on.
Please help me improve myself.

Please, don't make this a one-way street.
Please give a little if you're going to take a lot.
Please, reach out to me, don't make me have to crawl, to beg for your help.
Please, when I'm doing okay, please, let me help you. Please know that I am okay and the best medicine of all is to help other people.


  1. Oh Shan! I think this is my favorite post. You are so sincere and honest. I could be better at letting you help when u are feeling strong. And I could be better at being there for you "in person" more often. Love you Shan!

    Ps-You are such an awesome writer. This is really deep ;)

    1. yeah, you definitely should be here in person more often! ;) I love you so stinking much Trish. Thanks, I don't think that this is your favorite post, but I am totally honest.

  2. That was amazing Shannon! You are a great writer! How is your space paper coming?

    1. Thanks. I turned in my space paper, and actually that is the paper I am referencing when I mention to tell me why I did NOT get 100% instead of all the reasons why I DID get 93%.

  3. I read your blog all the time, I check it weekly if not daily for updates. This is a good poem--have you tried being published? So good!

    1. Really? Thanks, that means a lot. And honestly, I don't know where to go to be published as far as poems go. Besides that, this one was written when I woke up at 4 am and couldn't go back to sleep. I just sat down at my computer and started typing, then I posted, no revision or anything.

    2. Sometimes that's when they are the best! I don't think it needs revision, it's beautiful! I'm sure you can find tons of magazines that are accepting submissions--I enjoy reading your pieces. I bet others would too!

  4. I feel like we all can apply this. there are times when I wish people would leave me with a little because they take so much.

    1. oh how I know that feeling all too well Britt, all too well.

  5. You are indeed, a gifted writer...too bad for those who can't see through the posts that make them upset enough to block your blog. One day, they will see where they missed out so much along the journey! You are awesome Shannon and as tough as it can be, I am grateful to be on the journey with you!! love you!

  6. Beautiful, Shannon. Love you! (And you give me a whole lot. I hope we give some back, too.)
