Friday, December 30, 2011
Christmas Joys!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Just One More Update + The Loved Tonyaisms
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Tonyaisms, of course!
1. “Tonya, why are you so weird?” “Why not?”
2. We are sitting at kitchen counter finishing breakfast. Dad has finished our scripture time. Looking at the clock, we know we have to keep Tonya moving. So he says to her, "Tonya do you have your shoes on?" She says "no." I came back in the kitchen from the pantry and looked at Tonya's feet and her shoes are on. I said, "Tonya, your shoes are on! why did you say they weren't?" She looked up at me with this horrified look and then said to her Dad, "I lied. I am sorry Dad, I lied to you."
3. You can call me on my house phone that’s 801-XXX-XXXX or my cell phone, that’s 801……I don’t know
4. It’s like 1:30 in the morning, and Tonya had to get up to go to the bathroom, my dad is sitting in my room talking to me and she comes in, “Dad, I have a question for you.” My dad, thinking it was something really important responded, “Yes….?” “Who won?” “BYU” “Oh good.” Then she went right back to bed.
5. “I don’t know why I was errrrrrring.”
6. Tonya sneezed in the middle of church. Followed by HER saying “bless you.”
Friday, September 9, 2011
Sometimes, good things actually do happen
Okay, I know that there's a lot of things in my life that really have not been going so great right now. But, there are a few that have. And I figure, let's celebrate those, and live as much as we can in those moments rather than the nasty ones. So, here, I am writing to inform you all.
First, on Wednesday, there was one thing that was SO SUPER AWESOME that happened. So, my brother, Nate, saw on some billboard the other day that Brian Regan was coming to Salt Lake in January. Knowing that the tickets would sell fast, and remembering the promise he made to me when he talked to me on my birthday last year, I needed to call quickly. The promise he made was that the next time he came down around my hometown, he told me I could get backstage passes to go and meet him!! On the house!!!! Anyway, so smartest thing I ever did, was when I took down the number from which he called on, on my birthday. I called that number, and I started out by saying "Hi, I'm Shannon Blackham, the girl with the tbi, who Brian Regan called last year for my birthday..." And she practically interrupted me saying, "Oh yes, I remember you, I was actually going to call you today." !!!!!! See, my dad and I had sent him a letter a little while ago, saying thank you, and also giving him a bumper sticker that I made last Christmas that says, "Be Safe, Be Smart, WEAR A HELMET." She wanted to call me to tell me that he had gotten that, he was grateful, and he got it the exact day he was planning to go get bikes and helmets for his kids!! (Can you imagine being the cashier for BRIAN REGAN???) Anyway, so I started to mention that he was coming down this direction in concert fairly soon and once again, she stopped me by saying, "oh yes and I remember that we promised you and your family tickets" !!!!!! So anyway, she told me that she would email me and that I should get back to her with the number (relatively small) of tickets I would need. So, oh my gosh! First, I get to meet Brian Regan, my favorite guy in the world, up close and personal, like in person!!! And, second, he (or at least his secretary) remembered me! And third, he totally loves some of the stuff I'm doing! (i.e. the bumper sticker!!!)
Second, on Thursday, I had an interview with the best company in the world. (they really are a GREAT company, and they generally hire from within, so if you start at the bottom, it's easy to make it your career and become super important, like the CFO such as my bishop or something!) Nuskin. Best company ever. They have one of the top i don't know what its called, but where you have people working for the same company for basically forever, rates, they work in over 60 (I think) countries, etc. Anyway, BEST COMPANY EVER!!! So, I had an interview with them, and I thought it went really well, but I wasn't sure and I was scared to say anything because then the jinx monster would come and backfire me for it! :P lol.
Third, today I got a call, saying that they were offering me that job!!! WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I am SO excited. Oh, and also, their starting salary, for their like low job is, 10.25 an hour!! Boo Yah!!! Anyway, so I am starting up there ASAP!!! OMG SO EXCITED!!! I'll post more later if I think of anything else, but those were the two things I was OMG SO SUPER EXCITED about so I decided to put that on here!!
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Brian Regan Concert!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
people, realizations, how God works, college life, etc
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Just another Sunday
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Shan's eyes were swollen shut this morning but when we said moving around helps, sitting up more, etc., that's what she did along with her ice! Dr. Walker was in a few minutes ago and she had the swelling down enough that both eyes were open!! So he said she could go! She is one happy camper! And I can't say I am disappointed, I would much rather be home!
Ugh! Swollen Eyes
Slept pretty well--got about 7 hours of sleep with interruptions for meds and vitals at midnight, IV change at 2:30 and awake at 5 ready for pain meds. That's when she realized how swollen she was. So after all the necessary meds adn the likes, we went for an early morning walk which brings us back to now, resting in her room.
Yes, visitors are more than welcome.
Friday into Saturday update
Friday was a good day! Shannon had lots of visitors -- thanks to all who came yesterday, it did a lot of good for her and helped to fill the long day. She also had a couple phone calls as well and she enjoyed those. Thanks! She loves you all!!
Shannon has continued to swell which was to be expected. The doctors don't expect the swelling to peak until day 3. So by the end of today--but there is a lot of day left to go. Her poor little face is getting bigger and rounder. Her left eye is swollen nearly shut and is getting more black and blue. Interestingly, the area around the temples is really swollen, looking like she has 2 small eggs under her skin on both sides of her face. One doctor said that was because of a pocket area we have there and so it is a good place for the swelling to flow into.
By the time Dr. Walker made his rounds, we had talked with the residents of neurosurgery and from plastic surgery and the plastic surgeon as well. Each had their opinion about how long the drains should stay in her head and none of them were anxious to get them out too soon. Also, one resident said that she couldn't wash her hair for 5 days. She was quite dismayed. Then the plastic surgeon came in and said, oh no, you can wash your hair after 48 hours. She was thrilled. He wanted to wait until Saturday to pull either of the drains and then only if the output was small enough. And then, Dr. Walker came in--the one with the final say on everything and rightfully so with his vast knowledge, expertise and experience! We asked about washing the hair, stating we had been told 48 hours. He shook his head and said no way! 5 days at least. When it came to the drains, he said, let's get them both out of there today! The reason, he stated simply was his concern for any chance of infection. He said, the plastic surgeons aren't the ones that have to deal with an infection if she gets one! Although disappointed, we all have great faith, trust and respect for Dr. Walker and we will abide by his word. The bad part...can't wash her hair for 5 days, the good part, he said to take both drains out.
Well, that was about 10 or 11 yesterday morning. Dr. Walker stopped by 2 other times throughout the day just to see how Shannon was doing. Who sees their surgeon 3 times a day unless there is something wrong? The nuerosurgical team was swamped yesterday (probably because they had bumped at least one surgury that was scheduled for Wednesday to later in the week). Evenso, Dr. Walker kept checking in. The second time he came in, he brought Shannon a CD with pictures of her skull he had taken during surgery. They aren't for the faint-hearted either but they are definitely educational and certainly show us the extent of the surgery. He had saved some of the plates and screws they had taken out for Shannon. The resident brought those in early in the day. They are TINY! I don't know where I got my perceptions of what they would look like but they are a lot smaller than I could have imagined. Then when we looked at the pictures from the surgery and saw where the plates and screws were, it was really incredible. Modern science never ceases to amaze me. Our bodies are such miracles! I can't even begin to express the profound respect I have for our bodies and how they repair themselves and are so resilient through so many things. I don't think we stop and consider that very often and what a blessing our bodies really are.
The third time Dr. Walker came by, he was just looking in on her and said he was sorry that they hadn't gotten the drains out yet, but that they had been back to back in surgery. I commented that I figured it would be one of the residents and not him to which he responded, they have been there right with me!" So the drains didn't come up until 9:15 pm. A resident did do it, but he wasn't freed up until then. When they take the drains out, they say it is a very weird sensation but not necessarily painful. Shannon begs to disagree! They had loaded her up on her pain meds right before but still she was very uncomfortable when they pulled the drains. I think the resident was really tired because most generally after taking the drain out, will deaden the area where the tube was inserted and put a stitch or two in the hole. He taped one side and pressed a guaze to the other side and said that should do it but that if it continued to drain tomorrow, he would come back and stitch it! Fortunately, they haven't seemed to drain or bleed much since. So the drains are gone and Shannon's comment was, now there is only one thing left invading my body (referring to the IV). It's a count down for her! :)
It is still Shannon's greatest desire to leave the hosptial Saturday night but when I asked Dr. Walker tonight what he thought the time table would be, he said, MAYBE Sunday. I reminded him that she had this farewell she really really wants to go to. He kind of shook his head in his own way and said, "we will see how she is doing tomorrow." At this point, I am sure he was thinking that we needed to see how the swelling was doing. So we keep hoping for Saturday night but we want what is really best for Shannon and so she may not be home as soon as she would like.
The packing of the head in ice continues to be quite the ordeal and a great time consumer! Fortunate for Shannon some of her visitors yesterday were willing to try all kinds of options to find ways to make the ice packs stay where Shannon wants them. She is determined to keep ice on continually to decrease any possible swelling. I am sure that it has helped immensely but the body has a right to swell and pull fluids and other resources to the injured area! Contemplating the complexity of the surgery Shannon had, I can't see how the body could not need some swelling time!
Pain management has been better but it is still taken some heavy duty pain killers to keep her even close to comfortable. It really does help to have her distracted by company. The swelling , saw just a few minutes ago when they were changing the IV, was definitely quite a bit more than she has had up to this point.
Well, I have given much more detail than any one might want but it is still the easiest way for me to send information out to the many that are following Shannon's progress. Thank you all once again for your faith and prayers on Shannon's behalf. We certianly know that God is in control!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday morning update
I have to tell you how funny she looked last night. Shannon is determined to keep the swelling down as much as possible and so she wants ice packs on her head all the time. You may remember how she used ice packs before and no matter how we arranged them, she had to redo them. This time, we help and sometimes they are positioned right! :) She has SIX of the 12" long 5" wide reusable ice packs which she rearranges over and over to be sure they are covering every part of her head. Last night, to get her set up not to be rearranging but sleeping, we added about 4 pillows that were propped up around her head to keep the ice packs from slipping off her head. Our biggest challenge was with the one that she wanted on her forehead, coming down enough to cover the eyes but not to slide off the nose!! She has her stuffed bear here and we used it under her chin with the bear laying on its back and its legs propped up to hold the ice bad on either side of her head. It was hilarious! When she pulled her covers up where she wanted them, all you could see was a little nose and a mouth inside this tunnel. You couldn't see any other part of Shannon!!! I know that must be hard to imagine but when we get where I can transfer some pictures over, I will post one so you all can see. It really is funny!
So sad to say, even with all the ice, Shannon's head is swelling quite a bit. It is nothing like when we were in the hospital before so she still looks great. And the doctors are so pleased that her eyes are not swollen shut!! One eye is getting a little more narrow due to swelling and turning bluish so we don't know where we might end up. I don't think we have "peaked" yet in her swelling although we are hoping!
Yes, Shan is still up for visitors any time. It helps distract her from the discomfort.
So until the next post...
Thursday, July 28, 2011
End of Day Thursday
Shannon's face is finally beginning to swell more. Still it is nothing like it was with the last surgery, she looks really good as compared to then. She has had one visitor and a couple of phone calls that she truly has enjoyed.
Thank you for all your prayers.
Room and Phone
Shan was doing so well last night that I left Udell here and I went home to do some of the many projects that were needed there. I returned about 1:30 this afternoon. The report is that she has been doing very well but it has been hard to stay on top of the pain. The morphen doesn't last but 45-60 minutes. So they have changed to oxycodeine which will last 3 hours and they are also giving her tylenol which they count as every 3 hours. One would think with all that pain med that she would always be sleeping but not so. She napped, I guess a little this morning but hasn't since I got here. You would think with all that med that she would be loopy or something but she's not.
Shortly after I got here, Shan wanted to get her own clothes on so she took a sponge bath and got dressed! Sadly, we don't get phone service here or I think she would be texting a number of people. :)
Shannon received a blessing before coming to the hospital. It was a beautiful, very significant blessing. We can see by how well Shannon is doing that the blessings pronounced on her head are being fulfilled. This is such a different experience than our last hospital stay! Although the surroundings are the same, our feelings aren't the same. We continue to be so grateful for the Lord's hand in our lives.
Hospital Room
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
re: in ICU
They did feel like they needed to put 2 drains in and they have been draining well. I haven't been able to tell real well yet how the shaved part of the head looks because it is pretty matted and covered with ice packs (via Shannon). The ICU doc was just in and increased the amount of moraphin to more of the appropriate size for an 18 year old. That should give her a little more comfort. But, the trooper that she is, she hasn't complained much at all. Interestingly, she even has a had time quantifying her pain levels. That will be interesting to Cindy.
If there are any developments different than what we have said, we will email again but most likely this is the last tonight. When we get moved to a permanent room tomorrow, we will let you all know. If you have questions, email is the best way to reach us. The phone does not work in all places here at the hospital.
We truly feel that the Lord has heard our prayers and accepted our fast. I love that calm peace that comes when we know God is in control. We have had the best of doctors, nurses and care. We love the people at Primary Children's hospital. We saw some of the nurses from the PICU that became friends when we were here 14 months ago. Together, we reminisced on the miracles that have happened so that our sweet Shannon is not only here today but doing so very well! She is such a delight in our lives. We have much to be grateful for.
re: update on surgery
They had to cut one defective spot of the bone out completely and they put a new piece of bone in there. Dr. Suddiki had to do extra work with the bone to fill in the gap in her forehead, but it is all back in place now. They are beginning to pull the skin back together and stitch her up. That will still take an hour or so.
They are going to send her to ICU because it has taken so long. Amazingly, she has not needed a blood transfusion. Right now, her blood count was down to 29 and Dr. Walker is ok with it getting down to 20 before giving her more blood.
Dr Walker feels that it has all gone well.
While I messed with the internet, Dr. Suddeki stopped by and basically said the same things. He said that there would still be some deformity but it is much much better than before but the visble parts will look good. So we will let you know when we are set up back in ICU.
re: Surgery update
This is Shannon's Mom. I am going to use the blog and will try the "real Shannon" facebook if I can get in to it to update those that check that most.
Shannon had to be here at the hospital at 10 am and the surgery was scheduled for 11:30. As typical for hospitals, they were a bit behind schedule. She actually went in to surgery at 12:10 pm. The surgery is scheduled for 6 hours! We just got an update a few minutes ago to tell us that all was going well. They have her opened up and are finally ready to begin the real work.
We did ask the doctor to clarify how long he thought she would be in the hospital. He said that to think 3 days would be overly optimistic but if all went well 5 days would be feasible. He said she had to be feeling well enough to be eating on her own and for her digestive system to be working. The swelling will keep her from wanting to eat. The day after surgery could be pretty miserable. But I will try to keep you posted here to know when she is really up to visitors. I know she wants to see lots of folks! :)
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Surgery Again
Saturday, July 9, 2011
rollerblading once again
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Another Tonyaism :)
Thursday, June 23, 2011
When will my life ever go right? (song)
When will my life ever go right? –By Shannon Blackham
I am so sick and tired
Of everyone saying this is how I should be
Why can’t my old friends accept the new me?
Why haven’t I gotten close enough
to any of the new, to trust them?
When will my life finally go right?
No one thought I could do
What I’ve done.
But look at how I’ve proved them all wrong.
But, it doesn’t matter, not to anyone.
And instead, I have to continue,
In order to please those who still care at all.
When will my life ever go right?
Now I’m stuck here,
Crying on my bed.
But it doesn’t matter to anyone.
No one knows, and no one sees,
Because no one cares.
When will my life finally go right?
When will I ever get
That special kiss?
The one I so long for?
When will I ever
Have someone to just love me
For who I am?
When will my life ever go right?
Why are all the people I know
Either big lying turds
Or fake and immature?
Blog Picture
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
I'm going to post more! Promise.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Senior Pictures
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Term 4 and Future
Dear Fellow Readers,
So I decided I have not updated my blog in a LONG time, but for good reason. One word. School. But graduation is tomorrow! So for any of you Utah folks who are not seniors (or just are not going to the all night party) feel free to come on over tomorrow night and party! We will do something fun! But, anyway, so this term has been SO hard. To begin with, I started off this term without being there. This is the time when I was in the hospital, so I missed quite a few school days. Which did not help me out at all. So since then, I have been making up everything from when I was gone, and then as soon as I finally think I have it all done, I find out that there was something that my teacher’s didn’t tell me that I needed to do. But so even after I got all of those things done, I was still extremely discouraged. I had 2 Bs in my classes. But then I had to do all sorts of different things to finally get my grade in AP Biology up to an A. Seems good, right? But, I was still sooo scared for AP Stats, especially since this teacher is a first year teacher who has no mercy. Even with all that I had done, I still had a B. So, then I looked at what the heck could’ve gone wrong and I noticed that 2 of my test scores were not where they should be. So, I asked the teacher if I could retake those tests. And due to the 504, I was able to retake one of the tests, the other test was a test from term 3 that we transferred over to term 4 so I could not retake that one. But, I retook that one, did a whole honkin’ huge ton of extra credit, took another test to replace my lowest test score, etc, etc, etc. Then I looked at my grade last night, put in 100% of what I would get on the project today and it turned out to be a 92.25. Unfortunately, on her grading system, you need a 92.5 in order to have an A. So I was SO upset! Worst story of my life! But, when I went up to talk to her today, she was like, “Oh, I still need to put that test in for you!” (the one I retook) So after she put that in…. guess what happened?? Bumped me up to well-over the bare minimum for an A! So, yep, that’s that class. So am I really saying what you think I’m saying? OH YES!!! One more 4.0!!!!!!! Which is actually kind of ridiculous because ask my parents, all term I have been saying, I can’t get a 4.0 this term, I just can’t. I won’t be able to do it again. So, for anyone who rejoices in my triumphs, I’m sorry, but the rejoicing is over. I’m going to college next year where I will NOT get a 4.0!
So, that’s school. Next, let’s talk about….. I don’t know my most recent surgery? So last Friday (May 27th I think) I got my wisdom teeth pulled. So yeah, my face did swell up pretty bad, and I have a gynormous bruise on my cheek. It still hurts pretty bad. You cannot touch my cheeks, and sometimes my teeth will just hurt, for no apparent reason, but yeah, whatever. My next possible surgery is me going back to my beloved Dr. Walker and Dr. Maloney. If the bone in my head is still dissolving, they are most likely going to take out my skull again, and put a plate in its place. If not that, they will at least remove all of the gross annoying loose screws. Then, hopefully either shift my bone or the plate so that it gets rid of this terrible ridge I have in my forehead.
Okay, so let’s move on, now we shall go to….. graduation? So I am graduating now in less than 28 hours! I’m so stoked! I just wanted to let out a great big thanks to those of you who have sent me a “congratulations” present. Namely, Scott and Nikki Blackham, The whole Miller Family, and Dr. Chris Maloney! Thank you SO MUCH guys!
Now, as for summer, I have NO IDEA what I’m going to do. I need to find a job. Any leads from anyone? And I’m planning lots of trips to go out and see the rest of my family (brothers who live out of state) and also my cousin and yep, other than that, I have no clue. I don't really have a very good close friend anymore so it might be a long, hard summer for me. So I’m going to spend my summer home, with my family. And then I’m going to go out to visit family. Then go visit more family. Oh and then one more member of my family. I mean, I’m not trying to complain or anything, but family literally 24/7?? Are you kiddin?!
Which actually leads me to another topic. I can’t trust anyone. After my trust has been broken SO MANY times with people who I thought would be there for me through thick and thin, they just weren’t there as soon as the thick started rolling in. Even the people who I considered essentially just like a sister/brother to me. All of them are gone now. They only speak to me on rare occasions when it would make them look rude for not talking to me. So, hence the trust issue. It makes it really hard to trust anyone anymore. That leads to my issue with ever making any new friends. I mean, how can you make a new friend if you have absolutely zero trust in them? You can’t. I just feel like I have lost all those deep relationships with the kids my age that I once had.
Okay, so I think that’s about it for now, I’m not totally sure, I can’t really think straight since I have such a terrible headache. But, I will update the blog later, and let you know if that 4.0 is a definite. Because grades are not finalized right now, so you never know what could happen at the last minute…. So, I’m sorry, no new Tonyaisms today, but I will include some more the next time I update the blog, it’s just that this time there was SOOOO much to write about!
Let me know that you are out there!
Love, Shannon
Thursday, April 28, 2011
After a long, hard month
So it’s been a month since I updated the blog, and I know, it’s terrible. But I haven’t wanted to update the blog, I’ve had a really rough month and I’ve been actually extremely busy. So, when I wrote last I was in the middle of a breakup with my boyfriend. I was starting a new term at school and I ended up spending 6 days up in a hospital at the University of Utah. Then, thankfully, spring break came. So I was able to go to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico with my family. There, it was really fun, but I got sunburned really pretty bad. I also went parasailing, that was fun. My mom and I also went bargaining at the flea market. And I tried to surf again, which just got me even more sunburned. Okay, so then we returned home, and I had to go back to school and make up all of the work that I had missed before spring break. That was a terrible time. Still is. One of my teachers was very understanding and told me to take it easy, but my other teachers, were not so sympathetic. So now, I have 2 concurrent enrollment tests I need to study for, and one AP test I need to study for. Unfortunately we just found out that a lot of my accommodations for my AP test were not accepted due to lack of paperwork, even though we sent them an ENORMOUS stack of paperwork. So, now I have to do the AP test basically like everybody else. Which really sucks, because last time I took a test in this particular class, I only barely got through half of the questions in the allotted time. The only bright spot has been my internship. I enjoy going down to NuSkin and actually doing something rather than just shadowing people. I’ve been able to actually do work the past couple of times, and it has been AWESOME. But, anyway, that updates you on my life right now. I think. Because I only just touched on some of these things, feel free to contact me about more information.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Dr. Walker, skiing 2, and of course, more Tonyaisms!
Dear bloggers, so if you actually still check my blog at all, you should REALLY let me know. Just comment on here or something, please!! Even if the only thing you comment is, “I still check your blog.” Anywho, so this blog report is here to tell you about my second adventure skiing, also about an additional Tonyaism. Actually as I just added it to my list of Tonyaisms, I found that there’s another one that I have yet to tell you guys about. Anyway, so let’s start with the first Tonyaism, then talk about me skiing then about the second Tonyaism.
Okay, so once upon a time, Tonya and I were talking and she says “I don’t like ATEC.” So I respond in, “Tonya, I thought you loved ATEC.” She then says, “I know.” Lol, I personally thought it was funny. Oh and by the way ATEC is where Tonya goes to school part time and it’s essentially a learning center for people with disabilities to go to train for a potential job and stuff.
Okay, so now, my second adventure skiing. Today, after my doctor’s appt with Dr. Walker, (which I need to tell you all about) my daddy and I went up to go skiing again. So yeah, that’s exactly what we did. We went skiing and this time I fell a whole lot more, but it’s justified because we were doing harder things, such as going on blues and stuff. Then I have 2 awesome things to tell you about. 1. I barely went off of a couple little teeny tiny jumps today and didn’t even fall! Woo! 2. I totally skied backwards today. A couple of times actually, but one time I was like turning and stuff, it was awesome!
Now, this is the time to tell you the newest, latest, almost greatest Tonyaism. So we were talking about her little baby doll that she got from child care and how she had two of them. The first one was named Zach and the second one was named Matt. So we were talking about how she would confuse them sometimes. So she says, “Daddy, I’m confused in my brain, in my head.” It’s like as opposed to what? Your brain in your butt? Lol
Okay, then now I need to tell you about the appointment at Dr. Walkers, then I just remembered yet ANOTHER Tonyaism! Okay, so Dr. Walkers; the reason why we went here was to talk about the loose screws in my head as well as this dumb, stupid ridge on my forehead. Anyway, so after we talked to him for a while he decided that what they would need to do would be to open up my whole skull again to take it all (the screws as well as the plates) out and then move the bone to get rid of the ridge. So yeah, the thing we had to make sure of though was to make sure he would NOT shave me bald again. So he agreed, it made me very happy! J The other thing we brought up to him was that I’m constantly tired. So he gave a great solution, or problem rather, just identified the problem. So what he thinks may have happened is that my hormones got all screwed up with this stupid brain injury, which he says is actually pretty common. So there must be some amount of thyroid that is not being produced enough of or something. Yeah, so hopefully that’s it, because that would be great, considering there’s an easy fix for that! (Taking medications to restore some of the lost thyroid.)
Then, the last Tonyaism I have to report today is this. It wasn’t too long ago when she just walks in the room and tells me, “Shannon, I have a new Tonyaism for you.” I don’t even remember what it was, but it was still so cute that she found these Tonyaisms as a good thing! Lol! Anyway, I love my sister!!
Monday, March 14, 2011
Okay, so here’s almost all of the Tonyaisms I have since I started recording them. One, the classic Tonyaism. Like for reals. If someone ever asks you one of the funniest things you’ve ever heard and you say Tonyaisms, this is the one to tell. So once upon a time Tonya walks in to my dad’s office and was like “Dad, can I have this candy bar, say no” So my dad, kind of confused, says “no” then she responds by SCREAMING “WHY NOT?!?!?!?!” Yes, so that’s number one.
The next one, we were randomly sitting around the table, probably playing a game or something, and Tonya just says “If I burn the house down, I will be mad.” It was so funny because it was SO random.
Next, is one that not everyone thinks it’s funny, but I for some reason, find it hilarious! So Tonya was just playing with my dad’s phone (before she had one) and dropped it in her oatmeal.
Then, next, she said “I don’t like adapted P.E.” but we all thought she said, “I don’t like dad to pee.” So we were like, “What? Why not?” and of course, she thought we had understood her, so she says things like “I just don’t, it bugs me,” things like that. It was great, but something you just kind of had to be there for.
Mom said “Why don’t you go take a cat nap?” Tonya: “I can’t take a cat nap, I’m a person!”
So one day we are just in the car, and Tonya randomly starts laughing. It was weird, anyway, so then I was like, “Tonya, what are you laughing about?” “Oh, I’m just giggling in my mind.”
This one is another one of those ones that no one else really thinks it’s funny, but I think it’s hilarious! Anywho, so we are just sitting in my mom’s study room, with my backpack facing us sort of. And there’s like 7 pens and like 2 pencils. But she said, “Shannon, I like your pencil collection, it’s really cute.”
Then once upon a time she was at Wendy’s with my daddy. So she got this Yogi Bear toy in her kid’s meal. So she was just ranting on about how funny it was going to be. She thought it would be SO funny that she said, “Daddy, when I see this movie, I’m going to laugh my laughbox right out!”
We are in North Carolina, visiting my brother, sister-in-law, nieces and nephew. Then, this one, you have to know Tonya just a little bit before you really get this one. But so, she spells out a lot of things after she says them. So like almost every night she’ll be like, “I’m going to bed, B-E-D.” Okay, so this one she says to my nieces, “Girls, tomorrow I’m going home, H-O-ME.” Yeah, see you really just have to understand Tonya on this one.
Finally, she says “Shannon, I don’t like ATEC.” “Tonya, I thought you loved ATEC.” “I know.” Yeah, I know this one’s not as funny, but it’s still great. Oh, and ATEC is where she goes to school part time. It’s a training school, so you can someday work at a job. Yeah, I don’t know that much about it but whatevs.
Okay, so here you go folks, for those of you who still read my blog, you should comment on here and tell me which is your favorite. (The “I just got hit by a truck” totally still counts!)
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I have now gotten home from skiing for the first time since my accident. I think I did pretty well actually; even though I fell 4 times. I was on the ground a lot more than that but that was mostly because of my stupid balance issues and stuff. We started out on the bunny hill. But, I thought that was stupid. So we went on up to some regular runs. (We even had to take a blue to get there, and I didn’t even fall!) I also thought I would be done after one last run after the bunny hill. I was not excited about skiing at all. In fact, I actually thought that I would probably report on here that I was not going to ski again until I had more control of my body. After we got on the normal runs though, I actually started to enjoy it. I began to think that maybe I could do it. I even thought that I could maybe even do everything I once could do. For example, I used to LOVE going on little terrains off the main trails and going on all sorts of jumps and everything. So I started to do that. That would be where my 4 falls came from. I was going off of all sorts of jumps and stuff, and that’s where I fell so many times. Even though I guess four’s really not a lot… but still. Some of the falls really hurt though. One of them took the wind out of me. A couple of the others banged my head, but was wearing a helmet, even though it still totally hurt. But, as for me being able to do everything else the same way I could do before, I think I actually did really well. I skied in parallel the WHOLE time, and I was carving like crazy! Haha. But yeah so anyway, that’s about it…. Oh and also, I am adding a video of me skiing as well.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sleepy Time
Dear my fellow blog readers, So once upon a time I had a huge biology term final. That was this Thursday (yesterday). So for the past like 2 weeks or so I have been studying my little butt off. So then, yesterday, I finally got to take that dreaded biology test. I say dreaded because in case you didn’t know, biology is definitely my hardest class. But anyway, so yeah, after I took it yesterday, I really just crashed. Not to mention that this week there have been 3 times where I have woken up around 4 without being able to go back to sleep. I don’t know why, but I just couldn’t. So yeah, anyway, then today was just a miserable day. I am barely keeping my eyes open, even though I’ve tried to take a nap, but just can’t. Anyway, that’s just about it for today; just kind of a lazy day. Also, I’m going to try to go skiing again tomorrow. I don’t know how well that is going to go over, but we’ll give it a shot. So yeah, if I remember, I’ll let you know how that goes, but don’t be surprised if I fall on my butt a lot.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Faith, Prayers and Fasting
So tonight I am writing and asking again for your faith and prayers on Shannon's behalf. In fact, we would love it if you join us in fasting for her specifically on Sunday, March 6th.
We are so very grateful for all that has been given to us. I have learned and grown so much. I know without a doubt that God is close by and watching over us. We are grateful for the many angels (people like you) that have come to our aid when we didn't think we could make it through. We are so grateful for those that continue to pray for Shannon and go the extra mile in giving her love and support. We hope to someday be in a position to do such things for others. We do pray that God will bless each of you for that love and concern.
Monday, February 21, 2011
2 links take you to pictures...
This is Pheobe...Shannon's mom, the one who started this blog. I need to start a new blog that is my own so I can tell you about the parent's perspective but even then, I want to respect Shannon's desires about what I post about her and her situation. There is so much that I have learned through this process. So many things that I would love to share and perhaps someday I will be able to. But right now what is most important is Shannon and her perceptions and feelings.
Shan has asked me for the last couple of weeks to learn how to add pictures to the blog. Well, I am doing that. Some of them are not very pretty...please know that the pictures do not do justice to how she really looked. So here we go...stop... SHIFT GEARS! I am posting the pictures on their own page and if I understand how it will work, there will be a link at the top of this posting next to the word HOME. If you click on it, it will give you a whole other posting filled with pictures. If it works like I think, then the pictures will be for those who want to see pictures from the that will be posted in a few moments.
(Actually there are TWO links at the top that will get you to the 2 posts that have the pictures. I hope they work the way they are supposed to....

So I finally figured out how to put pictures on the blog here. So here they are! The picture of the scar is my scar originally... stapled and everything. The picture of me and my sister is just to show you where I've come from. The picture of me just looking weird (lol) is just some random picture I found. The other picture I just think is cute. I can't figure out how to take pictures with my computer just yet though so I'll update a picture of me with my glasses on here in some later time! :)
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Okay, so I decided that it’s not very fair for my family to keep the “tonyaisms” to ourselves. So I decided to share some of these. So I’m going to share one of them now and then hopefully continue to share them in the rest of my posts. So you have to understand that I love my sister, and I think she’s super great. It’s just so great how she can make us laugh so much so I decided to let everyone else know just a little bit of why we laugh so much! J Okay so the other day we were just sitting at the table playing cards. Then out of the complete blue, totally random, Tonya just says “I got hit by a truck.” So we all laughed and were like what?? Turns out she was trying to tell us the Brian Regan joke about show horses. Which I think is still really funny because he never says in there how he got hit by a truck. But yeah anyway, so that’s about it. So next time you see me, just let me know that you got hit by a truck! Lol J
Monday, February 7, 2011
Huge update February 7, 2011
Okay, so I guess it’s probably worse than about time to update my blog. Okay, so we’ve got a LOT to update you on today. Not because anything’s happened recently, because really nothing has, but just because I realized how little we update you on certain things because they just become a part of our everyday lives. Anyway, so let’s start with the top of my head and go down. Lol. So, my hair has gotten pretty long. It’s obviously not nearly as long as I would like it, but it’s growing, and fairly quickly most would say. But I’m still not thrilled with the length. Especially because my “bangs” I want to have cover the ridge on my forehead from when they took out my skull, and some pieces do, but the rest don’t. It’s just not thick enough all across my forehead…. L Oh, yeah and so I’m going to try to put a picture on here of me with my short hair as well as me with my glasses but I just haven’t quite figured out how to yet. So in the meantime, enjoy the writing while we try to figure it out once again how to put pictures on. Also, I feel bad that my mommy didn’t put any pictures on before because she figured I’d hate it. I probably would have before, but now I don’t really seem to care. So if you want me to, I’ll post some pictures of me in the hospital as well. But that will require some comments on this post. Okay, so that’s my hair and pictures.
Let’s move on to all the freaking bumps in my head. So the top of my head is great if you just run your hand across it. Because it’s so freaking bumpy! Your hand like almost shakes as it goes across the top of my head, right Brooklynn and Emma? (lol, those are my nieces whom I just went out to see and they felt my head a couple of times) Then, I also have a bump right above my ear. It’s the most ANNOYING thing EVER. But you must see that the reason why this would be so annoying, is not because there’s some huge bump on the side of my head but rather because that’s right where my glasses should go. So it bothers me every time I have my glasses on (which is almost always). Anywho, so yes, that’s the bumps in my head story.
The next little story I have to tell is about my clothes. (See how we’re moving from the head on down?) Lol, just kidding, well kind of, it actually kind of is….. So anyway I got an awesome, amazing internship! I intern at NuSkin, where my bishop is the CFO. He’s the one that got me this job. And it’s freaking AMAZING!! So even better than just interning at NuSkin, which in and of itself is awesome, is that I get paid. I get paid not only in money, but also in products. I get over $250 worth of product every month! It has crazy good benefits and now I’m considered part of their team, which is also totally awesome because that means I get all the amazing employee benefits! For example, their most awesome employee benefit was this past Christmas concert, which I already told you all about, but the one where BRIAN REGAN came! Woo! I love Brian Regan, so much! Anywho, so yeah they’re both good. They’re both good. (lol because it’s a Brian Regan joke but I was also referring to the employee benefits as well as just interning there!) Oh so now I have to get how this relates to clothes. It relates because I have to wear fancy schmanzy clothes when I intern which means I actually have had to get some nicer things and stuff like that but it’s still totally great. And I kind of like dressing up every once in a while, so now I have an excuse!
Okay, so now we need to get on to some other things, I can’t remember what it was that I wanted to say here, so I’m just going to talk about something else! My balance. My balance has always been an issue. And I mean granted it is slowly improving, it just is still slow…
Anywho, so then my “friends.” I really only have one person at school who I feel like loves me the same way before the accident as they do now. In fact, even more. But anyway, I have made 3 new friends essentially. I mean I knew all of them before the accident but not super well. And since the accident it’s just been amazing that they have come into my life the way they have and I’m so grateful for them. So thanks to Michelle Madruga, Haley Clark, and Lauren Burraston! And yeah, yeah, yeah, I still have my friends like Haley Stoker, Emily, and Shireen, it’s just been weird. I’ve felt SO distanced from them ever since the accident. Anyway, so the real reason why I even mentioned friends is because I wanted to share with you the exciting news I have for you. Ok so first of all, I met a girl at Primary’s who had a brain injury too! That was super cool. And I also met a guy from New Jersey who had a brain injury as well. He’s taught me a lot of things. Like one of the things he’s taught me or rather just made me realize, that I’ve grown a whole freaking TON emotionally. That’s why a lot of my friends don’t necessarily like the new Shannon, because she’s so different than she used to be; so much more emotionally mature. Anywho, I’ve dropped mentally probably as much as I gained emotionally. So I sometimes randomly act like a 3 year old or something. But I am still so much more emotionally mature. So my physical body obviously stayed the same, my emotional body gained a few years and my mental body dropped a few years. Idk if that makes any sense but if not, let me know and I will explain better.
Next on the agenda is crashing. Or really rather just how tired I always get. I’m like always exhausted. If I could sleep (which I can’t because of insomnia) I swear I could sleep all day long. Anyway, so I’ve got to hurry because it’s almost 10 and I need to get to sleep but I still have homework I need to get done. But yeah so, sleep, I love sleep. I just wish I could do it more.
Okay, so next, short term memory. My short term memory is HORRIBLE. Okay so if you tell me something I need to be writing it down as you say it or else I forget. I just forget my memory is that bad. Like even if you tell me something, then ask me right after, I could probably only tell you the last sentence that you just said. Anywho, so that’s about it for that. (At least for now.)
Thursday, January 27, 2011
my song
Okay guys, so I wrote a song describing how I feel, especially the past little while. And I decided to share it on here. Just know that it's written to almost all of you. It also probably needs some tweaking in the placement of things, but I didn't really care. So yeah, anyway, here it is.....
We once had a relationship so strong,
But where did it go?
You’ve abandoned me,
And I’m not sure why.
All I know, is that I wish,
We could be friends again.
You’ve hurt me more than you may ever know.
Even if you say you’re here,
It doesn’t really matter, because you’re really not.
I must be in the middle of the ocean,
With no ships around to save me.
When before, I was the captain of our ship.
But now I am sinking,
And you’re not here to rescue me,
I feel like I am drowning,
Why have you left me?
I remember when I felt that deep love,
And now I just have to wonder where it went.
I must replace you now,
Even though you once promised you’d always be here for me.
I believed you then,
Turns out that was a mistake,
What can I believe now?
Sunday, January 16, 2011
School once again
Hey there guys, so I’m sorry I haven’t been updating my blog recently. But anywho, I’m here to tell you about school. So I’m so incredibly excited to say, thanks to Mr. Louder (my AP Bio teacher), that I now have another 4.0! This happened by the kindness of Mr. Louder, because I was supposed to get an A- in that class but he added a few free extra credit points to me, just so I could get my straight As! Oh man, he’s AMAZING! Okay, so that’s last semester. Then as for this upcoming semester, I’m totally excited about it. I really essentially only have 3 real classes. I mean hey, they’re all AP classes, but whatever. Okay, so this is how it works. On A days, I have no first period, then AP Stats, then AP Psych and then internship. You see the reason why internship doesn’t really count as a class is because I only have to go 4 times a whole term… so yeah, basically I get credit for hardly ever showing up there. Then On B days, I have no first period, then AP Biology, then seminary, then I’m done and I can just go home! It’s so exciting! Lol. But yeah, that’s basically my life right now. Any other questions?